Dragon And Balloon

Dragon + Balloon + Lightning Spell

Dragon is a powerful troop from town hall level 7. It is so easy that not much thinking is needed. It's almost formulaic. And the powerfulness of this troop will last until town hall 16. We give it five stars of five.

Step 0
Suitable Bases

This straytegy can work for all bases.

Step 1

base links in the video

base 1 base 2 base 3

Step 2

keypoint 1 Air Defenses

air defense

Air defenses can kill dragons very quickly, so destroying them becomes the core part of this strategy.
Lv 7 air defense’s hp is 1100.
Lv 30 Queen’s hp is 1059.
Lv 5 air sweeper’s hp is 950.

Lv 9 Giant Arrow’s damage is 1200.
Lv 6 lightening spell is 320.
Lv 8 lightening spell is 480.
Lv 4 lava hound’s destroying damage is 250.

Let’s do some calculation first.

item giant arrow
lv8 lightning spelllv6 lightning spell
lv6 lightning spell
lv6 lightning spelllava
damage 1200 480+320x2=1120 320x4=1280 320x3+250=1210
destroys one or two air defense one air defense one air defense one air defense or one air sweeper

The order is important. First use giant arrow. Then use lv8 lightning spell before lv6. By such an order, you don’t need to keep in mind how many spells you have used.

After that, there should be no air defenses standing on the ground.

Keypoint 2 Where To Deploy Dragons

You should take these things into consideration.
1.Air sweeper. Don't let them affect your attack too much.
air sweeper
2.Storages. They have large hps. They may play the role of tanks for xbows.

Keypoint 3 Do Some Necessary Cleanups

Use your barbarian king and baby dragon to clear the side buildings. If you forget to do so, your dragons may fly everywhere.

Minor Details

Fly your dragon after the lava hound.

Step 3

Troop Lineup

copy the army

Required Equipment(s)

Recommended Equipments
(not necessary)

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Step 4

Just watching makes no progress. Get your hands dirty. We've prepared several bases of various difficuties for you to practice. If you are a starter, you'll probably experience failure several times. But that's normal. Human beings learn from failures.

And if you cannot work it out, you can refer to our video.


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