Healer And Miner

Healer + Miner

It's a little harder than dragons and witches. You need to pay attention to both your queen and your miners. That means sometimes you need to frequently switch your sight.

Step 0
Suitable Bases

This straytegy can work for all bases.

Step 1

base links in the video

base 1 base 2 base 3

Step 2

Keypoint 1 Clan Castle

Clan castle is the biggest threat to your main force. So use your queen to deal with the castle first. Deploy one or more hog riders to lure enemy troops out from the enemy clan castle. And then use your heroes to get rid of them.

The most dangerous cc troops are hunters, super minion and rocket balloon. Any combination of them is deadly to queen. They are extremely dangerous not only because the explosive damage, but also because the huge difference of attack ranges and movement speed. You can hardly use one poison to cover them all. Generally speaking, you need at least a freeze and a poison. Sometimes you'll even need more. It is very important to keep queen alive, don't hesitate to use spells.

Keypoint 2 Enemy Heroes

Another thing your heroes need to do is to deal with enemy heroes. If you find it’s difficult to do so, skeleton spell can help you.

Keypoint 3 Infernos

Let your queen deal with the multi inferno and let you miners deal with the single inferno.

Step 3

Troop Lineup

copy the army

Required Equipment(s)

Recommended Equipments (not necessary)

User Feedback

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Step 4

Just watching makes no progress. Get your hands dirty. We've prepared several bases of various difficuties for you to practice. If you are a starter, you'll probably experience failure several times. But that's normal. Human beings learn from failures.

And if you cannot work it out, you can refer to our video.


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